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Ratha Yatra, also referred to as Rathayatra, Rathjatra or Chariot festival is any public procession in a chariot. The term particularly refers to the annual Rathayatra in Odisha and Jharkhand, particularly the Odia festival that involve a public procession with a chariot with deities Jagannath (Vishnu avatar), Balabhadra (his brother), Subhadra (his sister) and Sudarshana Chakra (his weapon) on a ratha, a wooden deula-shaped chariot. It attracts over a million Hindu pilgrims who join the procession each year.

Ratha-Yatra (Puri), at Puri in the state of Odisha, is the largest and most visited Rath Yatra in the world attracting a large crowd every year.


Day 1

Date : 07/12/2018


Welcome to India- a country where hospitality is a way of life; to a culture steeped in tradition, a land where history lives in music and dance. You will be received at the airport in a traditional manner with garlands and proceed to your hotel.

Meal: Nil. Overnight in Delhi

Day 2

Date : 07/01/2019


Early morning in time transfer to airport to board flight for Bhubaneswar

Depart Delhi at 0710 hrs by flight 6E 253 (Indigo Airlines)

Arrive Bhubaneswar at 0910 hrs and transfer to hotel.

Afternoon visit of Bhubaneswar – the Temple city of India.

Being the seat of Tribhubaneswar or 'Lord Lingaraj', Bhubaneswar is an important Hindu pilgrimage centre. Hundreds of temples dot the landscape of the Old Town, which once boasted of more than 2000 temples. It is the temple city Bhubaneshwar that calls for attention, dotted as it is with temples — big, small, ancient and in clusters. As the city bustles with modern life, the skyline awakens curiosity with its sky-kissing spires of the Lingaraja Temple, the white-domed Peace Pagoda on Dhauli hill and the pink hue of Mahavira Jina on the Khandagiri. The three epitomise the advent of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism during different periods of Orissa history.

Visit the most important temples – Lingaraj, Mukteswar , Parsurameswar , Brahmeswar and Rajarani.

Lingaraj Temple (Non Hindu are not allowed inside this temple. To be viewed from a platform outside).

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Bhubaneswar

Day 3

Date : 07/02/2019


After breakfast leave for Puri to witness Rathayatra at the roof top. Evening back to Tosali Sands.(Break fast packet, water bottle, packed lunch (veg) will be provided by hotel. Dinner & Night halt at Tosali Sands.

The most awaited festival of Rath Yatra or Car Festival Puri commences on the 25thJune, Tuesday and Return Car Festival or' Bahuda Jatra' falls on 26th June this year. Also known as Chariot Festival or Car festival, this is one of the most awaited Hindu festivals of the state as well as the country. The celebration of this day starts much earlier that comprises the construction and decoration of the Raths or Chariot by numerous devotees & volunteers. The three chariots that are the highlights of the entire Yatra are pulled by strings. The chariot of Lord Jagannath which is 45.6 feet high, high comprises 18 wheels and is referred as Nandighosa. Balabhadra’s chariot is made 45 feet high with 16 wheels is called Taladhvaja. The chariot of Subhadra known as Devadalana has 14 wheels and is 44.6 feet high. All these chariots are decorated with various designs and colors by the artists of Puri that showcases their enthusiasm for the Yatra.

The famous festival that is celebrated usually in the month of June or July commences when the chariots of Lord Jagannath accompanied by his elder brother Balabhadra and sister Devi Subhadra are brought out on to the Main Street of Puri known as Bada Danda. The Chariots are then taken to the Shri Gundicha Temple to their aunt’s house where the deities enjoy a nine days stay and are served with sweet pancakes.

Konark - The third link in the Orissan Golden Triangle, Konark is the site of one of the most spectacular examples of religious architecture in the world. The Sun Temple at Konark conceived as a massive chariot hauling the Sun God across the heavens by the might of seven splendidly carved horses, standing aloft on 24 chariot wheels-intricately carved - symbolizing the march of time, lies in solitary splendor surrounded by drifting sand three kilometres from the sea, but originally it was reported to be closer for which it was used as a navigational point by European sailors, who referred to it as the 'Black Pagoda'. This 13th century architectural marvel is one of the most magnificent monuments of the World and also a UNESCO World Heritage site. Nobel Laureate & Poet Rabindranath Tagore said, 'here the language of stone surpasses the language of man'. It is true that the experience of Konark is impossible to translate into words. .

Also visit the local Fishermans village and interact with the local community.

Later proceed to Puri.

For centuries now, the beach at Puri has been the venue of countless pilgrims taking the traditional purifying dip. However, for decades now, both Indian and foreign beach lovers have made it their special haunt. The fine golden sands of Puri beach and the roar of the breakers rolling in from the Bay of Bengal have fascinated visitors throughout the ages. As it is with all the beaches of Odisha, overcrowding is never a problem and the sight of holiday-makers having entire stretch of the beach to themselves is not uncommon. The local fishermen, with their catamarans and wide brimmed cane hats are welcomed by tourists.

Later in the afternoon visit the Jagannath Temple at Puri which is one of the most sacred pilgrimage spots in India. This 12th century temple is dedicated to Lord Jagannath –“The Lord of the Universe”. The wooden figures of the three deities, Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra stand in the sanctorium garlanded and decorated by the high priests. The extraordinary form that Jagannath takes, according to the legend, is the unfinished work of the craftsman god Viswakarma, who in anger left this portrayal of Lord Vishnu incomplete. This majestic temple and its chronicles allure devotees from all over the world. The wide Bada Danda, the road which leads up to the majestic temple, provides a view of the grandness of scale and proportion that typifies Puri. This is also the path to Nirvana, where the chariots of the much-loved divine siblings, Jagannath, Subhadra and Balabhadra, roll down in the famous annual Rath Yatra, which inspires awe and draws tumultuous crowds. In Puri, everything has to be big. The main road is called Bada Danda, or Grand Road; the sea is Mahodadhi, or the widest ocean; the bhog is called Mahaprasad, or the great prasad.

(Non Hindus are not allowed inside the Jagannath temple and to be viewed from Raghunathan library platform. Sunday this platform is closed but one can view from another platform outside the temple.)

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Puri

Day 4

Date : 07/03/2019


After breakfast visit Chilka Lake (Best visited in winters)
Chilka Lake -A vast lake along the eastern cost of Orissa with beautiful islands, flamingoes wading in the shallow waters and the air echoing with the chirping of birds from as far as the Caspian Sea, Aral Sea and other parts of Mongolia, Central and South-East Asia, the Irrawaddy dolphins making the playful appearance in the water…this is only a glimpse of the breath-taking beauty of Chilika-Asia’s largest brackish water estuarine lake. Chilika sprawls over an area of 1100 sq.km covering parts of three districts of Orissa i.e. Puri on the east, Khurdha on the North and Ganjam on the South. It’s a haven for bird-watchers / nature lovers. Abounding in unique flora and fauna, Chilika supports the livelihood of more than hundred thousand families living in and around it. On the basis of salinity and the depth, the lake is divided into four natural sectors. The rich bio-diversity and socio-economic importance of Chilika has earned t the status of Ramsar site. Winter is the best time to visit Chilika as over 160 species of migratory birds flock the islands during this time of the year.

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Baliguda. (Best in the area but very Basic accommodation)

Day 5

Date : 07/04/2019

BALIGUDA- RAYAGADA (must be on Tuesday) (BY: SURFACE)

After breakfast leave for Rayagada which is a district of meadows, forests, waterfalls and terraced valleys, thickly inhabited by colourful ethnic and tribal groups. The scenic beauty and heritage on the land is an unexplored paradise. The systematic relationship between men and nature is a feast to the eyes of an outsider. A district of many charms, it is a thrill to the searching eyes with its own appeal.

Visit the Kondh tribal community which were once famous in history for their Meriah-Human Sacrifice. Explore their lifestyle and the varied handicraft villages. Swing to the rhythmic moods of the tribal people who enjoy their lives through dance and music. Tribal villages often vibrate with drumbeats and hills echo with resonance of music. The waterfalls, springs, hills and forests come to life with the rhythmic musical moods almost every day.

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Rayagada (Best in the area but very Basic accommodation)

Day 6

Date : 07/05/2019


Visit the market of the Dongriya Kondhas at Chatikona - Here the Dongariya Kondhas trek down from their villages up the Hill with forest produce to sell or barter with non-tribals. Dongariya Kondhas are one of the original ethnic tribal groups of Orissa who have retained their culture and tradition till date. The Dongria family is often nuclear, although extended families are found. Female family members are considered assets because of their contribution inside and outside the household and women are on equal footing with the male members in constructing a house to cultivation. Women do all the work for household ranging from fetching water from the distant streams, cooking, serving food to each member of the household to cultivating, harvesting and marketing of produce in the market. Due to this, the bride price is paid to her parents when she gets married which is a striking feature of the Dongrias.

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Jeypore (Best in the area but very Basic accommodation)

Day 7

Date : 07/06/2019


After breakfast visit the market of the Bondas at Onkudelli. Nature has showered its bounty on the undivided Koraput district replete with meadows, forests, waterfalls, terraced valleys and darting springs. This land of abundance is home to Orissa's vast tribal population. A real paradise for the nature-lover, Jeypore offers an additional benefit to the visitor of first hand meeting with its ancient civilization.

Today visit the home of the approximately 6000 members of the famed Bonda Tribes–one of the most fascinating tribes of the Country. They live in the remote hills and keep themselves isolated. They grow rice by shifting cultivation and keep domesticated cows and goats. They can only be seen when they come to trade at the local weekly Thursday market. The Bonda women are noticeable by the chunks of beaded necklaces that cover their upper body, striking brass and silver necklace and their shaved heads decorated with colourful beads.

In Bonda society, the women enjoy a privileged position. They are the primary workers and providers of food for the community. Bonda girls largely marry boys who are at least five to ten years younger than them. Thus the girl looks after her husband as he grows up and in turn he cares for his elder wife. In contrast with many other populations in India, the number of women among the Bondas greatly exceeds the number of men.

Visit another ethnic tribal group of the Gadabbas. Both men and women tie their long hairs with linseed oil and decorate it with forestry flowers and different ornaments. The women wear a long strip of cloth tied around the waist and a second piece of cloth is worn across the breasts and tied over one shoulder. Gadabas are renowned for their tribal dance known as 'Dhimsa'. It is performed by the women of the tribe who wear the famous karenga saree. This colourful dance is mesmerising in the way it starts off with bare footed swaying movements into a synchronised circular dance that peaks with astounding fervour as the performance gives expression to their inner feelings, joys, affection, passion and their appreciation of beauty in nature.

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Jeypore (Best in the area but very basic accommodation)

Day 8

Date : 07/07/2019


After breakfast drive to Vishakhapatnam en route visiting Kunduli Tribal market, the largest market of the area.

Orissa's adivasi tribal region has a very interesting market in Kundli where The Paraja, Rana and Maja tribes can be seen. It's a market full of action, trading and colours where they sell bangles, drums,homemade alcohol,cattle, goats tribal jewelry and much more.

Later visit Simhachalam Temple - Simhadri or Simhachalam is a Hindu temple located in Visakhapatnam city suburb of Simhachalam in Andhra Pradesh, India. It is dedicated to Lord Narasimha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The central shrine was built in Kalinga architectural style

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Vishakhapatnam

Day 9

Date : 07/08/2019


Morning in time transfer to Visakhapatnam airport to board flight for Kolkata

Depart Vishakhapatnam at 0835 hrs by flight 6E 557 (Indigo Airlines)

Arrive Kolkata at 1105 hrs and then proceed for city tour visiting Victoria Memorial, St. Paul Cathedral Church Indian Museum and Dalhousie Square including St. John Church.

Victoria Memorial - The Victoria Memorial (closed on Monday) is one of the popular tourist attractions in Kolkata. It is a majestic structure which is made with white marble. The structure was constructed during the British Empire in the memory of Queen Victoria. Hundreds of tourists who visit Kolkata come to the Victoria Memorial.
The Victoria Memorial, Kolkata was designed by renowned architect Sir William Emerson. The style of the building is similar to the Belfast City Hall. The structure is constructed with a blend of Mughal and European architectural styles. There is also a museum in the Victoria Memorial which consists of various specimens of ancient Kolkata and also of various artifacts of British India.
St. Paul Cathedral Church - Built between 1839 and 1847, St Paul's Cathedral is one of India's most important churches. It's east of the Victoria Memorial at the South end of the Maidan. The steeple fell during an earthquake in 1897 and was redesigned and rebuilt. Inside there's some interesting memorials and stained glass, including the west window by Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Indian Museum – Founded in 1814 at the cradle of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Indian Museum is the earliest and the largest multipurpose Museum not only in the Indian subcontinent but also in the Asia-Pacific region of the world

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Kolkata

Day 10

Date : 07/09/2019


Morning in time transfer to airport to board flight for Varanasi.

Depart Kolkata at 0825 hrs by flight 6E 713 (Indigo Airlines).Arrive Varanasi at 0950 hrs and then transfer to hotel.

Afternoon proceed to Sarnath.

SARNATH After attaining enlightenment at Bodh Gaya Buddha went to Sarnath; and it was here that he preached his first discourse in the deer park to set in motion the 'Wheel of the Dharma'. It is one of the most holy sites as in this place the stream of the Buddha's teaching first flowed. At this place, Buddha encountered the five men who had been his companions of earlier austerities. On meeting the enlightened Buddha, all they saw was an ordinary man; they mocked his well-nourished appearance. "Here comes the mendicant Gautama," they said, "who has turned away from asceticism. He is certainly not worth our respect." When they reminded him of his former vows, the Buddha replied, "Austerities only confuse the mind.

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Varanasi

Day 11

Date : 07/10/2019


Early morning enjoy an inspiring and beautiful Sunrise boat ride along the river’s edge to view the temples and the ancient rituals of the thousands of pilgrims who worship here daily. Bear a testimony to the ancient living heritage of thousands of years. Take a long boat ride along the bathing Ghats and later disembark to walk through the ancient narrow lane of Varanasi witnessing the pilgrims going for worship to the temple after they have taken a cleanse from the Holy Dip in the River Ganga, which you will be able to see from outside only,

After the boat ride come back to hotel for breakfast.

Post breakfast proceed for city tour of Varanasi. Starts from the visit of Durga temple called as the Sankat Mochan temple and the Bharat Mata temple. Later in time transfer to Varanasi airport to board flight for Delhi

Depart Varanasi at 1500 hrs by flight 6E 481 (Indigo Airlines). Arrive Delhi at 1620 hrs and then drive to Agra (Approx. 210 kms). Upon arrival check in at hotel.

Meal: B,L,D. Overnight at Hotel in Agra.

Day 12

Date : 07/11/2019


Morning visit Taj Mahal (Friday).Taj Mahal Someone rightly said, ‘see the Taj and die’ and the Taj certainly surpasses this thought. Described as the most spectacular monuments ever built for love, Taj Mahal is the Agra fascination and greatest pride of India. One of the legendary Indian poet -Rabindranath Tagore described its beauty as “a teardrop on the face of eternity”. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died after giving birth to their 14th child in 1631. Around 20,000 workers devoted day and night to construct this magnificent monument.
Taj Mahal proved to be the costliest tomb ever build on this earth. Specialists were brought in from Europe and other Asian counties to produce the exquisite marble screens and pietra dura made with the thousands of semi precious stones. It is said that Shah Jahan also wanted to built a black Taj Mahal as a tomb for himself on the opposite side if the river Yamuna. Locals guides are found saying that he want to portray his negative image, when his own son Aurangzeb threw his son into the jail, but sadly he could not afford his grandiose plans.

Post breakfast visit Agra fort and later drive to Delhi

Later proceed for dinner followed by transfer to airport to board flight back home.

Meal: B,L,D and Departure

Please contact us for the package cost. Package Inclusions: • Accommodation on twin sharing basis as per itinerary • Transport using 01 A.C 18 Seater for 10 Pax and 12 Pax • Transport using 01 A.C 27 Seater for 15+1 Pax • Meals as per the itinerary (No Meal on Day 1) • 01 bottle of mineral water per day • Monuments Entrances • Language speaking guide as per the itinerary 
Cost Not Includes: • Any personal expenses, airfare, visa fee and insurance fee. • Tips to Guide and Driver • Any thing that is not mentioned in cost inclusions.
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